
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Post 7: Changes to my study programme

  Hello people! Today I am going to talk about some changes I would like to do to my study programme. Until now, I only had the experience of online classes, so I do not know how the program really is. Engineer of natural renewables resources is a career very large and with very different subjects. I am only finishing second year so I don’t really know the majority of them to know what I would want to change. About the workload… I thought that the workload in college was constantly so high that I wouldn’t have time for anything that wasn´t college. For my surprise it isn’t like that… so far. If I could change something, probably would be the organization and the distribution of the different evaluations. Because what usually happened to me is that some weeks I have so many evaluations in a short period but then I have one or two weeks with any evaluations. This makes that sometimes I am very overworked and another I have nothing to do but still I am very stresses and nervous.  Probab

Post 6: Time travel in the future.

  Hello guys! If I had the opportunity of travel to the future, I would go to the end of the semester to be honest. I can´t wait for this torture to end (so dramatic). Jokes aside, I really would go to the end of the semester. When my semester ends, the first week of January, I have plans to travel to Chiloe with my friends. We have planned this since April or May of this year. I am really excited to go because I am never travel to the south of Chile. Also, we always want to travel together to some place of Chile or America. Definitely I would love to stay in there forever, with my friends that I don’t see too much because of the pandemic and university. Obviously without test, stress and college. I know I could choose any time in the future, and I choose a time in less than two months. This is mainly because I don’t have a very optimistic vision of how the future of the planet would be. If we continue to act like we are acting now, and we don’t take actions… We don’t have so much of

Post 5: My future job

  In high school, I didn’t knew what I wanted to do in my life. I was between six or seven careers. These careers went from psychology to medicine and mathematics. The only thing I knew was that I wanted a job that let me to travel and live in another country. Also, I wanted a job related with nature. A job that gave me the knowledge to protect my environment. As well I don´t want to be in an office, so this job has to allow me to work from different places. Therefore, when this career (Engineering in Natural Resources) appear in the picture I had a clear idea of how I would like to work. Probably I will work in a research laboratory or a company. For the moment I don´t know what mayor I want to take. I am waiting to feel more comfortable and part of the career to decide for what path I want to go. Thinking about it, if in this moment I have to decide I would probably go to something with ecology or hydraulics. Mainly because those are topics that I really enjoy reading. I hope someday