Post 7: Changes to my study programme


Hello people!

Today I am going to talk about some changes I would like to do to my study programme. Until now, I only had the experience of online classes, so I do not know how the program really is. Engineer of natural renewables resources is a career very large and with very different subjects. I am only finishing second year so I don’t really know the majority of them to know what I would want to change. About the workload… I thought that the workload in college was constantly so high that I wouldn’t have time for anything that wasn´t college. For my surprise it isn’t like that… so far. If I could change something, probably would be the organization and the distribution of the different evaluations. Because what usually happened to me is that some weeks I have so many evaluations in a short period but then I have one or two weeks with any evaluations. This makes that sometimes I am very overworked and another I have nothing to do but still I am very stresses and nervous.

 Probably I would like to add more field trips and laboratories. But also, I heard that before the pandemic we have many of those.

Because I had only lived college in pandemic, the majority of changes I would do for sure are in this topic. For example, I would like to improve the classrooms. Making them appropriate for online and presential classes. Adding cameras and microphones for the teachers.


  1. I experience that too! Some weeks are full of tests and reports to do, and other weeks have just one evaluation.

  2. It´s the exact same in Agriculture :( some weeks are filled with tests and avaluations and others we have nothing. This causes so much stress!

  3. same, some weeks are kind of chill and then you have 4 tests in one week

  4. I feel your pain haha. I'm sick of weeks full of evaluations

  5. I agree with you, the distribution of evaluations should be changed, it causes a lot of stress


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